Tuesday, December 30, 2008

"Just one of life's little vicissitudes, I suppose"

I heard that expression a lot from my Mom when I was a kid.

It was her way to explain anything that got changed by forces beyond our control, so she wouldn't have to get warped out of shape trying to really explain. A sort of philosophical "meh," if you please.

Personally, I'm sort of partial to life's little vicissitudes. Just the little ones, of course.

The ones that promote a giggle, or snicker, snort, chuckle or even flat out belly laugh - when the gods of laughter toy with us. Life's full of little changes with silly consequences.

This is a blog about the ones that make us smile.


Hope you enjoyed my writing. Your turn!
Sorry about those annoying verification things. Spam and all that . . . another of life's little vicissitudes.